Wu Healing

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Master Tom Tam on Tapping Points for COVID-19

Tom shares his thoughts and healing points related to COVID-19 in a recent YouTube interview.

Please use the following COVID-19 tapping points:

  • T1, T2, T3, T4, T7 to build immunity and stimulate T cells

  • T6 for diaphragm

  • Yiming for the parotid glands to produce saliva

  • BL9 for the medulla, which controls heart, lungs, vessels

  • BL6 to open sinus

  • GV22 to calm anxiety and fear

  • K26-27 for T cells, lungs, and airways

  • K22 for the diaphragm

  • LU1, LU2 and CV17 for lungs

  • CV4, CV6 to fill lower dantian and store energy

  • ST36 to rebuild

    Original article: https://tongrenstation.com/articles/tapping-points-for-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR2eqwE-Oqx1GFNh1tjZWVrto9z_v0qpiCrCXNRN_YuunoUx-sphy7RLwfY

Dr. Wu is offering a free online Tong Ren healing class for anyone who wants to participate.

Date: every Sunday
Time: 10-11pm EST
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