Patient Testimonials & Case Studies

William's Testimony - Amazing Recovery Journey from Myasthenia Gravis

Yang Energy Collapse and Stomach Stroke

Kidney stone patient testimonial

Testimonial on Mugwort Foot Bath for Better Sleep and Health(with Chinese and English subtitles)

Pass kidney stone naturally with Chinese Herbal Tea!

Traditional Chinese medicine for hair loss! (Hair regeneration testimony)

Testimonial - using Moxa sticks to correct breech

Seizure healing

Testimonial about cupping therapy

Gina talks how she cured her asthma by stopping dairy

Testimonial From Colon Cancer Patient

Treating depression with acupressure

Qi Gong and diet changes to lower high blood pressure -treatment by Dr. Wu

Tui Na to eliminate neck pain

Acupressure point for depresson

Gua Sha Curing Varicose Veins

Prostate cancer patient testimonial with Chinese subtitles

Asthma treatment testimonial
Fengyang TCM to low blood pressure naturally!

TCM improve cancer patient life quality

Treating distal radial fracture back to work in 10 days

Beast to Bone Cancer Patient Testimonial

Colon cancer patient talking about Chinese medicine

Healing Journey Testimonial and Group Invite with Kim Fleck and Dr. Wu

Dietary treatment help stop hematuria

Chronic Lyme disease pain relief naturally with Fengyang TCM acupressure

Bladder cancer patient testimonial

Lumbar 3 for prostate and urination problems

Myasthenia Gravis patient testimonial

Seizure healing

Gua Sha (刮痧)

The Yin and Yang of Getting Sick by Dee and Dr. Wu (中英文字幕)

Vertigo healed by removing dairy from lifestyle

Fengyang Instant Pain Elimination for Knee Pain (patient testimonial) 凤阳膝关节瞬间止痛法患者证词

Testimonial on healing "Snake Skin"
Kathy Chang’s Testimonials

Rick Kevorkian’s Testimonials

Wei Li’s Testimonials

Qi Gong and Tai Chi Student Testimonials

Help with Recovery and Improve Energy

Randy talk about teaching Qi Gong

How to lose 20 pounds

Isaias' Testimonial - Wu Healing Center

Dee King's Testimonial

Qi Gong and diet changes to lower high blood pressure -treatment by Dr. Wu
Tui Na Student Testimonials

Differences between Tui Na and Massage Therapy

Christine Wilson Testimonial

Isaias' Testimonial - Wu Healing Center

Donna Testimonial - Wu Healing Center

Kathy's Testimonial - Wu Healing Center

Gina's Testimonial - Wu Healing Center

Qi Gong help Fibromyalgia -Angela's Testimonial

Jeffrey's Testimonial - Seizure Relief

William's Testimony - Amazing Recovery Journey from Myasthenia Gravis
Dr. Wu's Student, a Former Asthma and Bladder Cancer Patient Testimonial