Dr. Wu's Chinese Medicine Method Treating Snake Bite Wound
Patient: Mr. Chen, male, 66 years old
Symptom: Patient’s right hand was bitten by a poisonous snake on July 12, 2019. The patient was admitted to a hospital (Nanzhang Hospital of Chinese Medicine), then transferred to the intensive care unit of Xiangyang Central Hospital on July 14. He was again transferred to Nanzhang County People's Hospital on the afternoon of July 17. He was discharged on July 29. At the time of discharge, his right hand was swollen with a quarter sized wound. At home, he took oral medicine, plus medicinal hand wash and external ointment. As of August 29, the wound was still not healed. It was red and swollen, with pus oozing out.
Patient’s hosptial record
Dr. Wu’s prescription
1 . TCM formula
皂角刺 (zao jiao ci) 10g, 黄芪(huang qi) 60g, 陈皮 (chen pi) 10,连翘 (lian qiao) 10,升麻 (sheng ma) 10,党参 (dang shen) 10,甘草 (gan cao) 5,当归 (dang gui) 10,柴胡 (chai hu) 15,五指毛桃 (wu zhi mao tao) 30,桂枝 (gui zhi) 10。Drink the concoction once a day for 5 days.
2. moxibustion treatment on the wound for 20 min a day.
Pictures of the would before treatment:
10 days later, the patient’s wound was almost completely healed:
Healing process: