Sichuan Pepper, a Culinary and Medicinal Herb
Sichuan Peppercorn (Shan Jiao) warms the interior and expels cold.
Sichuan Peppercorns have been used in Chinese medicine and cuisine for thousands of years, and were discussed in ancient Chinese texts. They were traded along the ancient Silk Road, which helped to spread their popularity throughout Asia and beyond.
It is categorized within the "herbs that warm the interior and expel cold" functional grouping. It is thought to enter the kidney, spleen and stomach channels and exhibits acrid and hot taste and temperature properties.
Benefits and Uses
• Sichuan Pepper helps digestive issues, as it warms the Middle Jiao, disperses cold, dispels dampness, relieves diarrhea and alleviates pain
• It is an effective parasite eliminator, as it makes parasites “drunk” or “numb,” and moves Qi downward, allowing the body to evacuate parasites
• It removes toxins/bacteria in foods, such as in fish or meat, when cooked together
• For patients suffering from athlete’s foot (Hong Kong foot), Dr. Wu recommends foot baths containing Sichuan Pepper, Ku Shen, and Mugwort. If there is swelling, he recommends adding Da Huang and Lian Qiao.
To cook with Sichuan Pepper, simply stir fry 5 peppercorns in avocado or coconut oil. Once the aroma is released and the peppercorns have been toasted, add your other ingredients and cook as usual.
Disclaimer: All above articles are for reference only. If patients are interested, please consult a professional practitioner Traditional Chinese Medicine for a consultation.