Ku Shen, a Powerful Anti-Fungal and Detoxifier
Ku Shen belongs to the category of herbs that Clear Heat and Dry Dampness
Ku Shen has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to treat a variety of conditions, including diarrhea, jaundice, ulcerative colitis, and skin rashes. The root of the deciduous shrub Sophora flavescens, which is related to peas, is also known as "bitter root" in Chinese.
Benefits and Uses
• Clears Heat and dries Dampness, especially in the Lower Jiao. Can treat jaundice, diarrhea, dysenteric disorders, vaginal discharge and sores, viral hepatitis
• Disperses Wind, kills parasites and stops itching. Can treat skin lesions or infestations with chronic itching, scabies, seepage and bleeding, genital itching and vaginal discharge
• Clears Heat and promotes urination. Can treat Damp-Heat in the Small Intestine, painful urinary dysfunction, and hot edema
External Preparations
“Tea” Soak for Vaginal Infections
To treat vaginal infections, external methods can be the most effective. Prepare a tea including equal parts:
• Wild Ku Shen
• Lian Qiao
• Da Huang
Sit in the tea for 20 minutes. Repeat as necessary until the infection is treated.
Foot Bath for Foot Infections
Ku Shen can treat Athlete’s Foot (Hong Kong Foot) and other foot infections. Prepare a foot bath including:
• Ku Shen
• Sichuan Peppercorns
• Mugwort
If there is swelling in feet/ankles, add Da Hang and Lian Qiao
Disclaimer: All above articles are for reference only. If patients are interested, please consult a professional practitioner Traditional Chinese Medicine for a consultation.